Our Approach

We develop technologies to address real school challenges

Render has a collaborative, iterative approach to edtech innovation

Tools that help educators support their students

The solutions we’re co-building give teachers and school leaders new ways to help set their students up for success.

Render is currently focused on building tools grounded in supporting the development of the whole child and exploring ways to support accelerated academic instruction.

As we consider new tools, we’re tapping into opportunities around generative artificial intelligence that add new efficiencies and capacity for teachers and school leaders. We approach possibilities thoughtfully and with feedback from researchers, tech experts, and educators.

Ways you can co-build with Render

There are a variety of opportunities for you to collaborate with us on education product innovation

Co-designing engagements

Working collaboratively with a Render project team to design technology solutions together.

Live feedback sessions

Participating in 1:1 interviews, focus groups, in-person workshops, or trying tools in-session and providing feedback.

Asynchronous individual feedback  

Answering surveys, or independently using tools in various stages of development 
and giving feedback.

Ongoing pilot participation

Validating the efficacy of a new tool in your school for an extended period of time and providing ideas and feedback along the way.

Developing a product is like constructing a building

Like any building project, our tool development process also takes imagination, planning, and iterating
Discovering an opportunity

Find a buildable plot of land in a desirable location

Similar to how we might identify challenges that edtech could help address

Drafting plans

Sketch multiple options before deciding on a design

Similar to how we might develop a variety of prototypes for a product idea

Testing and modifying a design

Build a model to see how space will be utilized and test materials to make adjustments

Similar to how we might try out a tool in your school, and modify based on feedback

Finalizing the build and maintaining the output

Construct the building according to final plans, and conduct routine maintenance over time

Similar to how we might regularly update and improve a technology product for users

We’re looking for educators like you

Your knowledge, perspectives, and ideas can help shape the education tools of tomorrow

Co-build with us