Community Guidelines

Render is dedicated to serving teachers and students. We are committed to making a safe, supportive, and creative space for everyone by applying these Community Guidelines to all participants:


Stay safe by keeping personally identifiable information private

As a general rule, please don’t share confidential or sensitive information about yourself or another person. This includes information such as real names, birth dates, email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses.

There may be specific instances within your product usage or during user experience research (UXR) activities where we will request such information. In these cases, we will clearly communicate the need for this information and work hard to keep it safe. To learn more, please see our Data Privacy Addendum and  Security Overview.

Be mindful of what you are sharing

Our platform is for all ages. Please do not share graphic content that involves violence, nudity, offensive language, or any other material that could be considered inappropriate or harmful to others.  Additionally, we do not allow spam, malware, or other deceptive practices. 

Treat everyone with respect

We do not tolerate hate speech, harassment, or cyberbullying. In general, behaviors that intentionally and repeatedly target someone based on their characteristics (like race, gender, ethnicity, or disability)  in order to attack or cause discomfort are not allowed on Render. 

Comply with laws and regulations

Please do not use Render to engage in illegal activities. Remember that anything you post should not violate copyrights or other intellectual property rights.  And importantly, laws and your school’s policies also apply when using Render. 

Be inclusive and welcoming

Render is an inclusive community where we hope each person feels seen, heard, valued, and empowered. Being inclusive in this way means actively welcoming people in all its forms, including differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, and more.  To foster this inclusive culture, any content or behavior that violates our Community Guidelines may result in account terminations. A safe community depends on you. Please report any inappropriate content on our platform or reach out to us by submitting a ticket.

We encourage you to read our User Agreement and Privacy Policy for more information. Thank you for taking the time to review our Community Guidelines, and for helping to keep this platform a safe space for everyone.