Trust and Safety Policies

We're committed to making Render a safe and trusted environment for both educators and students, so we design with privacy and security in mind.

Our Commitments


We use data for educational purposes

We use data, including personal information, in the process of co-building education tools.


We never sell your data

We don’t sell or use personal information to make money from students and educators participating in Render, and we require our service providers to make the same commitment.


You own and control your own data

Render users provide personal information in order to participate in co-building, and they own and control their data.


We prioritize compliance

We are committed to the Future of Privacy Forum’s Student Privacy Pledge and we were among the first signatories of Pledge 2020. In addition to compliance with federal privacy laws like the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), we are also voluntarily committed to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the California Consumer Privacy Act.


We practice privacy and security by design

We design our practices with privacy and security in mind, and take our duty to safeguard data seriously. We promote a culture of protecting data privacy at Render, and restrict access to data on a need-to-know basis. In particular, our team members who require access to student data complete a background check and training on Render’s data access policies and best practices.


We only work with trusted service providers

We require that all service providers we work with, and that have access to personal information, comply with our privacy and security terms.


We’re committed to continuous improvement

Best practices in privacy and security evolve as technology evolves. We are committed to working with parents/guardians, schools, vendors, industry leaders, and partners who help us stay ahead of the curve to continuously help protect personal information and make Render a safe space for all. For more information please visit our Security Overview and Data Privacy Addendum.


We foster a safe environment for all

We are committed to making the Render community a safe, supportive, creative space for everyone, as outlined in our Community Guidelines. These guidelines include: keeping personally identifiable information private, being mindful of what you are sharing, treating everyone with respect, complying with laws and regulations, and being inclusive and welcoming.

Policies and Resources